Implementation Best Practices: Data Analysis

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Questions and Answers

If using Local Run Manager for analysis, equipment and computing requirements are available in the Installation section of the Local Run Manager Software Guide.

Refer to Introduction to Key Concepts in Sequencing Data Analysis for a webinar that includes an introductory presentation and discussion on the concepts and general approaches used in analysis of Illumina sequencing data.  This webinar is targeted to those new to Illumina NGS, and covers the basic analysis approaches used in de novo assembly, RNA sequencing, and SNP finding.  Basic concepts in experimental design are also discussed.

For an introduction to run setup, see the Set Up a Sequencing Run (Local Run Manager Mode) or Set Up a Sequencing Run (Manual Mode) sections of the iSeq 100 Sequencing System Guide.

Use the iSeq 100 System Sample Sheet Template to create the sample sheet required when sequencing in Manual mode with BaseSpace Sequence Hub Run Monitoring and Storage.  Download and edit the sample sheet, then upload it to the control software during run setup.

Refer to the AmpliSeq for Illumina Panels section of the Illumina Adapter Sequences Document for the adapter sequences and the AmpliSeq for Illumina Pooling Guidelines section of the Index Adapters Pooling Guide.

Local Run Manager is a Windows-based software for Illumina benchtop sequencing data, which includes local analysis options and run and user management. The Local Run Manager Webinar provides an overview of Local Run Manager and is targeted at new and intermediate users. For more information, view the Local Run Manager Support Page and the Local Run Manager Overview Online Training Course.

BaseSpace Sequence Hub, the Illumina cloud-based sequencing data analysis solution. topics such as the difference between runs and projects, how to work with data, and how to share your data using this tool, see the BaseSpace Sequence Hub Webinar. For more information, see the BaseSpace Sequence Hub Support Page and the Preparing Runs with BaseSpace Sequence Hub training course.

The DNA Amplicon and RNA Amplicon applications are both available through the BaseSpace Sequence Hub.